Hay Fever is a horribly disease and it makes you feel quite sick. At least it can be cured. Can you think of your own wacky way of preventing it? I would invent a pair of shoes that shoot you up to the moon and back, then you shoot back down to earth and you are Hay Fever free! Why? Because the 'air' in space prevents Hay Fever as well as the moon rocks. I don't think it's true but it works in my mind! So what's your idea?
I'm not so sure yet what grade 7 will be like but it sounds fun and difficult at times. I can't till we go on the Orange River Trip but I will get homesick because I haven't stayed away from home that long. I am also looking forward to sitting on the chairs in assembly so my legs don't ache when I'm sitting on the hard, icy floor. I am quite nervous for grade 7 but excited too. What are your thoughts about going top grade 7?
Last holiday was quite chilly in the morning but warmed up towards the end of the holidays. During the holiday my little brother and I just stayed at home but my brother went to Coach Kyle some days. We spent a lot of time outside in our garden hula-hooping, skipping, jumping and running around. We couldn't really get out and do something somewhere else because my mother and father were working but we sometimes took the dogs for a long, exciting walk at Radloff Park. On the first day of the holidays Erin found her naughty dog Prince who had been missing for a long time. We also sometimes went to the library to get interesting books.
Next term is the last term of grade 6. For next term my goals are to get myself to focus more during exams and when studying for them. My other goal is to improve my marks. I'll do my best! What are your goals for next term?
The holidays are just around the corner! What are you planning to do? Are you going somewhere on holiday? I'm just going to chill with my friends and relax after this tiring term. The best part is you get to go to bed at twilight and wake up at lunch! That's the life! :D
Many lovely things have happened this year. Everyone has their special moment that they have enjoyed this year. My main highlight is when we moved into our new, clean classrooms! I loved the smell of the fresh classrooms and the walls were as clean as any wall could be and I hope they stay clean. What are your favorite times of this year; what are your highlights. Keep the classrooms clean so people can enjoy them!
My biggest fears are...
airplanes, clowns, spiders, cliffs and getting my knee stuck in our chair again. Some of those fears sound a bit silly but their scary to me. Fear can be anything from huge dragons to friendly ladybugs! What do you fear?
If you could create your own land what would it be? It could be a land of chocolate, a land of chewing gum or a land of Christmas. If I were to create my own land I would create a land of everything! Anything and everything you could ever want would be in my land! What land would you create?
Rhino poaching is very bad for our environment. Remember in Natural Science? A food chain with a rhino in it will change completely if there are no more rhinos! Then the other things in the food chain will get muddled up! Think about it. What do you think will happen if all the rhinos are killed? If all the rhinos died poachers will move onto the hippos and other animals. How do you think this will affect nature and the world as we know it? How do you think you could change the world by stopping rhino poaching? Make a difference. Save the rhinos.
Technology is increasing rapidly and there are many changes that technology has brought to our world. How do you think technology is going to improve in the next 70 years? Do you think technology is a good thing or a bad thing? why?