I'm not so sure yet what grade 7 will be like but it sounds fun and difficult at times. I can't till we go on the Orange River Trip but I will get homesick because I haven't stayed away from home that long. I am also looking forward to sitting on the chairs in assembly so my legs don't ache when I'm sitting on the hard, icy floor. I am quite nervous for grade 7 but excited too. What are your thoughts about going top grade 7?
1/10/2013 09:52:28 pm

I am very excited for grade 7 but, I think I'm going to miss my brother a lot! The orange river is going to be amazing I have been looking forward to it since Grade 1. I will definitely agree with you about sitting on the chairs especially when it is the final assembly because it is always so long.

Caitlin Garvs
2/10/2013 01:59:09 am

@Laiken I will also miss all the grade sevens and I'm truly excited! Final assembly is rather long! Can't wait!
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