1. What do you think will would of happened if Joey didn't get sold to the war?
2. How would the people riding Joey and training him react if Joey ran away?
3. What would the corporal do to Joey if Joey kicked him? How would they punish Joey?
4. When they were on the boat to the war what would of happened if the boat sank. What would you have done in that situation if that happened.
5. In the first battle how do you think Albert would have felt when Captain Nichols died.
6. How would Albert react and feel if Joey also died in the first battle?
7. If Joey died in the first battle it would of meant that he wasn't a very strong and trained horse but in the book it went on and on how strong and excellent Joey was and how much he was trained for that moment. Discuss it.

8. What do you think Albert and hos family were doing when all this was taking place.

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